quinta-feira, 18 de março de 2010

La Patère Rose

Electro pop band from Quebec, consisting of Thomas Hébert (keyboardist and sampler), DJ Julien Harbec (drummer) and Fanny Grosjean (singer-pianist).
The band released the debut album in 2009. Part of the interview with La Patère Rose to spinner.com:

How did the band form?

Well, we were in school, in Quebec it's somewhere between high school and university (CEGEP). We started to play together because we knew each other. It's as simple as that. At first it was a little bit difficult because I didn't know the boys that well but they knew each other and so I had to find my place [in the band].

How would you describe your sound?

It's electro-pop rock and with catchy songs I think. It's a lot of things at the same time.

Who are some of your musical influences?

For myself it would probably be the French singer Camille and also Dido and Lily Allen also very much. I'm influenced by a lot of English women. I think it's probably because of their strength, they are all frontwomen and they have a lot of attitude. So I'm attracted to that. And their music is absolutely amazing so it's a great inspiration to me.

How did you decide on the band name?

At first it was a big joke because I don't know if you know the film 'The Pink Panther' -- in French it's 'La Panthere Rose' so we just removed the "n" from the word panther. It means a couple of things in French like something that the gods would drink. It also means where you put or where you hang your clothes. We're not too proud of the name, but it's OK.

La Patère Rose - 2009

01. Les Deux Bonnes Soeurs
02. PaceMaker
03. Decapote
04. Duchesse
05. La Marelle
06. Jessicock
07. Chamord-Sur-Mer
08. Backyard Souvenir
09. L'éponge
10. J'ai Reve
11. Duet Tacet
12. Charmord-Sur-Mer-L'épilogue
13. Pepe

Good Music!

2 comentários:

L disse...

Thank you SO much - I have been searching for this band. They are fabulous.

Didi disse...

I really love them!