sexta-feira, 19 de março de 2010

The Cribs

Banda inglesa formada pelos irmãos Jarman e Johnny Marr, ex - integrante do saudoso The Smiths (fora o Smiths o cara rodou por uma porrada de bandas, e agora permanece no Modest Mouse e Cribs). Começaram a carreira em 2001, de inicio era um trio e ano passado Marr se integrou ao bando. O Cribs tem ao todo quatro álbuns lançados, o primeiro em 2004 “The Cribs” e o ultimo “Ignore The Ignorant” acaba de sair, é notável o amadurecimento da banda ao longo dos álbuns, eles foram perdendo a alegria teen e “Ignore The Ignorant” é seu trabalho mais contido. Segue o vídeo da música “Hey Scenesters!” do álbum The New Fellas.

The Cribs - 2004

1. The Watch Trick
2. You Were Always The One
3. The Lights Went Out
4. You & I
5. Things You Should Be Knowing
6. Another Number
7. What About Me
8. Learning How To Fight
9. Tri'Elle
10. Baby Don't Sweat
11. Direction
12. Third Outing

Good Music!

The New Fellas (Limited Edition+12 Live Tracks ) - 2005


01. Hey Scenesters!
02. I'm Alright Me
03. Martell
04. Mirror Kissers
05. We Can No Longer Cheat You
06. It Was Only Love
07. The New Fellas
08. Hello? Oh...
09. The Wrong Way To Be
10. Haunted
11. Things Aren't Gonna Change


01. Hey Scenesters!
02. Direction
03. Lights Went Out
04. Mirror Kissers
05. It Was Only Love
06. You Were Always The One
07. Martell
08. We Can No Longer Cheat You
09. You're Gonna Lose Us
10. What About Me?
11. Another Number
12. Wrong Way To Be

Good Music!

Men's Needs, Women's Needs, Whatever - 2007

1. Our Bovine Public
2. Girls Like Mystery
3. Men's Needs
4. Moving Pictures
5. I'm A Realist
6. Major's Titling Victory
7. Women's Needs
8. I've Tried Everything
9. My Life Flashed Before My Eyes
10. Be Safe
11. Ancient History
12. Shoot The Poets

Good Music!

Ignore The Ignorant - 2009

1. We Were Aborted
02. Cheat On Me
03. We Share The Same Skies
04. City Of Bugs
05. Hari Kari
06. Last Year's Snow
07. Emasculate Me
08. Ignore The Ignorant
09. Save Your Secrets
10. Nothing
11. Victim Of Mass Production
12. Stick To Yr Guns

Good Music!

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